Deploying a Contract

To deploy the HelloWorld.sol contract, do the following:

  1. Install the dotenv package in your project directory.

    npm install dotenv --save
  2. Create a file called .env in the project directory with the following contents.

    API_URL = ""
    PRIVATE_KEY = "your-metamask-private-key"

    Follow these instructions to export your private key from Metamask. The API_URL needs to be copied from your Alchemy account.

    NOTE: If you are going to push the project code to a public Github/Gitlab repository, remember to add the .env file to your .gitignore.

  3. Install Ethers.js by running the following command

    npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers "ethers@^5.0.0"
  4. Update the hardhat.config.js file to have the following content.

    * @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig
    const { API_URL, PRIVATE_KEY } = process.env;
    module.exports = {
    solidity: "0.8.17",
    defaultNetwork: "goerli",
    networks: {
        hardhat: {},
        goerli: {
            url: API_URL,
            accounts: [`0x${PRIVATE_KEY}`]
  5. Create a directory called scripts

    mkdir scripts
  6. Create a file called deploy.js in the scripts directory with the following content.

    async function main() {
        const HelloWorld = await ethers.getContractFactory("HelloWorld");
        // Start deployment, returning a promise that resolves to a contract object
        const hello_world = await HelloWorld.deploy("Hello World!");   
        console.log("Contract deployed to address:", hello_world.address);
    .then(() => process.exit(0))
    .catch(error => {
  7. Deploy the contract by running the following command.

    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli

    You should see a message of the following form. The address will be different in your case.

    Contract deployed to address: 0xD1aEf927a80301b63dE477afe2410F25bf8Baf6a

    Save the contract address somewhere. It will be used in the next section.