Install Metamask

Metamask is an Ethereum wallet that can be installed as a browswer plugin. Go to and install it for your browser.

  1. Once you install the Metamask extension, you should see an orange fox icon in your browser's extension list. Click on it to get started with setting up your wallet.

  2. You should eventually arrive at the following screen

    Metamask create wallet screen

  3. Click on "Create a wallet" and set a password.

  4. The Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP) is the seed randomness from which all your private keys will be created. Metamask will show you the SRP for your new wallet.

    • Make sure you save your SRP by writing it down or downloading it.
    • If you lose it, you will lose access to all the Ethereum accounts you create in Metamask.
  5. Metamask will show you the words in your SRP and ask you to choose them in the right order. This is to confirm that you have stored the SRP.

  6. Once your SRP is confirmed, Metamask will show you the wallet screen with a new created Ethereum account. This account will have no founds. We will fund it in the next section.

  7. You can copy your Metamask address by following the step described in this page.